Gratitude practice ✨

Gratitude practice ✨

2 minute read

Today, we're shining a light on the importance of practicing ✨gratitude✨. Not only can practicing gratitude boost your immune system - it can also strength relationships, improve mental health & give you endless optimism.

Speaking from personal experience - this practice was extremely beneficial to help me see the light whilst going through a very dark mental health journey. It allowed me to focus on the GOOD around me (no matter how miniscule those moments of good felt) and started to re-wire my thinking. It is still a practice I continue to this day - and I wish everyone in the world took a moment each day to put their energy towards what they're grateful for ❤️

If you are interested in bringing some gratitude practice into your life, we've popped together our fave ways to do so:

1: Starting a "Gratitude Journal". Each day, list 3 things you are grateful for. They can be tiny little things, they can be giant big things. They can be smells, sights, sounds, touches - whatever calls you. Just list them down.

2: Kicking the day off by including a morning gratitude meditation. The morning is a magical time to do so as it sets you up for a day ahead with an optimistic outlook.

3: Fill up a gratitude jar! Whenever you're feeling thankful, write it down on a random bit of paper and pop it in the jar. You'll be amazed at how quickly the jar fills - and now you have a jar full of special lil moments to dig our when you're feeling low.

4: NOTICING. Start to pay attention to the little in life that bring you joy. It could be the beautiful flower you walked past on the way to the bus stop. Someones passing smile. A cute dog. The feel of sunshine on your face. The nourishing rain on your skin. If you tap into 'noticing' you'll be amazed at how this practice can shift your thinking.

Good luck on your gratitude journey!

Bonus Affirmations

We have listed a few of our fave affirmation to start you on your journey towards noticing all the magic around you...

"This is the start of a magical day"

"Gratitude is flooding through me"

"I am serene and tranquil"

"Today & everyday I choose joy"

Love, Tibbs xxx

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